October 20, 2024
Twenty-Ninth sunday in ordinary time
by Fr. Boniface Endorf, OP
Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,
One important note: please do not flush wipes in the parish toilets (or any toilet). Flush nothing but toilet paper. The previous week we had a pipe burst because of a massive blockage of wipes. We had to remove all the toilets in the parish hall, tear through walls, replace piping, and then repair the walls and toilets, all because people are flushing wipes. It was very expensive, time consuming, and gross. Please help us to keep our parish in good shape.
Our Thomistic Institute Fall lecture series continues! For three consecutive Fridays we host professors sharing their insights and wisdom with us. The talks are at 7pm Friday in McGuire Hall. This Friday, the 25th, we host our final talk. Dr. Joseph Capizzi will talk about “Augustine and the City of God,”—a topic I personally requested because it’s such an important work for understanding our own confusing times. I hope you have a chance to join us for this final Fall talk!
God Bless,
Fr. Boniface