Religious Education

St. Joseph's offers a family catechesis style of religious education called "A Family of Faith". Meetings take place on Sunday mornings from 10:00-11:15 am.

"Family catechesis ... precedes, accompanies and enriches all other forms of catechesis. Thus there cannot be too great an effort on the part of Christian parents to prepare for this ministry of being their own children's catechists and to carry it out with tireless zeal." -Pope St. John Paul II, Catechesi Tradendae.

The goals of this program are to encourage and equip you to live and teach your children the Catholic Faith at home. With both catechetical meetings and family meetings each month, this program will give you all the knowledge and tools you need to bring your children up in the Faith. During the Catechetical Meetings, parents/adults are provided the opportunity for continued growth in their faith through discussions and lessons while the children are receiving their own catechesis. The Family Meetings focus on building friendships and celebrating Catholic life through common prayer, service, social activities, and liturgical celebrations.

If you have any questions please email Nicole at

Nicole Bogatz, Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization


Religious Education Registration

Fees are $250 per family with an additional $25 book fee for those in Sacrament Classes (First Communion or Confirmation). Checks can be made out to Church of St. Joseph.