August 25, 2024
Twenty-First sunday in ordinary time
by Fr. Jonah Teller, OP
Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,
Fr. Jonah here, filling in while Fr. Boniface is away. On September 8, classes for OCIA (the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, formerly RCIA) will begin. This is the period of instruction and preparation for adults seeking to become Catholic. It’s also for baptized Catholic adults who have yet to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. We already have a large class of people signed up, and we’d love to see it become even larger! If you have a friend or a family member who has been considering becoming Catholic, invite them to join the class (or, if you are not yet Catholic yourself or need to complete your sacraments, welcome!).
In any case, please pray for all those in this class, that it be a time of many graces and joys for them, as they make their preparations for receiving the sacraments on Easter 2025!
Fr. Jonah, OP