March 20th, 2022
Third Sunday of Lent
by Fr. Boniface Endorf, O.P.
Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,
This weeks letter will be a bit scattershot, but here goes…
This weekend is commitment weekend for the Cardinal’s Appeal. If you haven’t given already please consider making a gift to support the Archdiocese of New York. Even if you can only give small gift, every bit of participation helps. You can give at and make sure to put St. Joseph’s in Greenwich Village as your parish.
This Wednesday is our first Post-Cana marriage ministry meeting. All married couples are invited. The group seeks to support married couples and to help them more fully experience the graces of their sacramental marriage. It meets this Wednesday at 7pm in McGuire Hall. Fr. Ernest from the seminary will be giving a talk, followed by discussion.
Also, our new parish webpage is up! Check it out and see what you think. We’re excited about it and hope that it will serve our parish well.
I’m not sure whether I’ve mentioned here that we have Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent at 7pm in the Church. Please join us for these powerful Lenten prayers. And don’t forget that this year we will finally have a parish mission (it’s been awhile!) It’ll be 4/4-7, Monday to Thursday, in the evening.
Finally, there are two interesting plays coming up at the Sheen Center that people may be interested in. The first is a documentary about Pope Francis’s visit to Iraq and focuses on the Catholics there. The second features Ross Douthat, the Catholic reporter for the New York Times, and presents Ross discussing his struggle with Lyme disease. I think they will both be great and you find more information through the links below. They will both sell out so if you’re interested grab tickets soon.
Have a blessed Lent,
Fr. Boniface