August 27, 2023
Twenty-first sunday of ordinary time
by Fr. Jonah Teller O.P
Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,
Fr. Jonah here, filling in for Fr. Boniface, as (at the time of this writing) he is away on retreat. RCIA—the initiation process for those entering the Church—begins early next month, so if you know anyone interested in becoming Catholic (or if you need any of the sacraments of initiation, like Confirmation), have them contact the parish office to get connected with the program. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will move many to enter the Church this year!
We are continuing to receive sign-ups for the new adoration chapel. Some days are getting very close to being filled! Please spread the word and consider signing up yourself for a time of adoration before our Lord in the Eucharist!
Fr. Jonah Teller, O.P.
Mass Tidbit:
With these next words of the Eucharistic Prayer, we are on the brink of the consecration. “On the day before he was to suffer . . .” With these words, the celebrant begins to recount the words and actions of Our Lord on the night of the Last Supper, when he instituted the Eucharist and entrusted it to his apostles.
The celebrant then picks up the bread from the paten and raises his eyes, looking up as he prays, “. . . he took bread in his holy and venerable hands, and with eyes raised to heaven to you, O God, his almighty Father, giving you thanks, he said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, saying . . .”
In raising his eyes, the celebrant mirrors how Our Lord himself would pray at times. You might hear echoes of St. Matthew’s account of the feeding of the five thousand: “taking the five loaves and the two fish he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples . . .” (Mt 14:18).