June 18, 2023

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Fr. Boniface Endorf, O.P

Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,

As we prepare for the opening of the Adoration Chapel we still need something very important in order to open it: adorers! The whole point of the chapel is to have people adoring God at all times. That means that we need people to sign up for hour long adoration slots, usually on a weekly basis, to spend time with Our Lord. It’s a transformative experience to spend time in adoration and many wonderful graces flow to those who spend time adoring Our Lord. So please pray about signing up for an adoration slot. We’re unrolling the software to sign up right now and you can go to our webpage or use the QR code in the narthex to sign up. It will be time spent in the best possible way.

God Bless,
Fr. Boniface

Mass Tidbit:

The Roman Canon continues “Be pleased to grant her [the Holy Catholic Church] peace, to guard, unite and govern her throughout the whole world, together with your servant N. our Pope and N. our Bishop, and all those who, holding to the truth, hand on the catholic and apostolic faith.” The previous sentence, which we wrote about last week, stated that this sacrifice of the Mass is offered firstly for the whole Church and here we specify that intention. We ask God to watch over His Church, to bring her peace and guard and unite her with His blessings.

We also name our Pope and local bishop, uniting our prayers with the higher unity of the Church: with our local bishop our prayers are united to the whole diocese, and with the pope our prayers are united to the whole Church currently on earth. We also include all those who hand on the Gospel truth, first handed on to us from the Apostles through the Catholic Church. At Mass we are thus linked to the whole Church, as a part of the entire Body of Christ. We are never simply an isolated individual or parish, but a part of a much greater reality that extends all the way into heaven. Let us follow that bridge so that we too may join the heavenly choir!


June 25, 2023


June 11, 2023