October 29, 2023

Thirtieth sunday of ordinary time

by Fr. Boniface Endorf, OP

Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,

This week we celebrate All Saint's Day! This November 1st we celebrate all the saints God has raised to glory. They are proof of God’s work in our world—evidence that God will act in our lives to bring us the holiness, joy, and peace all hearts desire. Their victory is Christ’s victory, which is offered to all of us.

All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, meaning that all Catholics must attend Mass that day, as on a Sunday. We’ll have Masses on Wednesday, November 1st, at 12:10pm and 7pm. We won’t have a Vigil Mass Tuesday night because the Halloween parade makes it impossible for people to reach the church that evening. 

The day after All Saints Day is All Souls Day. It’s traditionally a time to visit those who have passed away, and especially to visit cemeteries and pray for our deceased loved ones. We thus have an All Souls Novena that starts on All Souls Day. There is a book is in the narthex of the church where you can write the names of departed family members and friends. Starting on All Souls Day (Nov. 2), we will offer a novena series of Masses for all of the people listed in the book.

God Bless,
Fr. Boniface

Mass Tidbit:

The Eucharistic prayer then reads: “To us also, your servants, who, though sinners [here the priest strikes his breast], hope in your abundant mercies, graciously grant some share and fellowship with your Apostles and Martyrs:” The prayer then continues with a list of saints, whom we’ll consider in upcoming weeks.

We here pray for God’s mercy, that we may share in the graces Christ won for us on the Cross, which we are unite to through the sacrifice of the Mass. The saints are proof of the efficacy of this grace, and we pray that we too may be like them: transformed into the joy and holiness of those great men and women who have gone before us into heaven. 


November 5, 2023


October 22, 2023