January 8th, 2023

Solemnity of The Epiphany of the Lord

by Fr. Boniface Endorf, O.P.

Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,

Today we celebrate Epiphany, or the revelation of God made Incarnate, made man. It’s an astounding thing when considered: that God, who is the primal cause of everything, who created the cosmos and holds it in existence at every moment, took a human nature to Himself and entered into our history. Today we celebrate God revealing that astounding event through the deeds of the three magi, or wise men or kings, who went and paid homage to the infant Christ, bringing Him gold, incense, and myrrh. These gifts are themselves revelations: gold is gift for kings, frankincense for priests, and myrrh for burials, which show Christ to be a king, a priest, and also point to His eventual Passion. Let us this season give our own homage to Christ, offering not mere things as gifts, but our very selves. In giving ourselves to Christ we become truly ourselves and are raised up through Him as children of God.

In the narthex there is epiphany chalk. You can use this chalk to bless your homes (instructions are included with the chalk). This blessing will provide spiritual protection for your families and homes and I encourage everyone to use the blessing.

I’ll be away this week to see my family. I should be back in town on the 17th. 

God Bless,

Fr. Boniface


January 22nd, 2023


January 1st, 2023