September 4th, 2022

twenty-third Sunday in ordinary time

by Fr. Boniface Endorf, O.P.

Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,

I hope that everyone has a blessed Labor Day! It’s good to remember the nobility of labor–a dignity that was recognized within Christianity. In the ancient pagan world manual laborers were considered lesser in dignity than those wealthy enough to not have to work, such as nobles. However, Joseph was a carpenter and Jesus would have learned that trade as a child. We even have the feast day of St. Joseph the worker. That Jesus would take up manual labor reveals that it is not undignified work and that labor has a value that the ancient pagans missed. Let us not forget the dignity of all workers, even the humblest, this Labor Day.

Next Sunday, September 11th, RCIA begins. If you know anyone interested in becoming Catholic, or an adult Catholic who still needs to be confirmed, now is the time to talk about joining the RCIA program. Ask any of the friars for details or call the parish.

God Bless,

Fr. Boniface

Mass Tidbit:

After greeting the people, the priest then starts the Penitential Rite. The purpose is to prepare us to worship God—to admit our guilt and receive forgiveness so that we can be pure before God in our worship. Sin separates us from God, so through pardoning our sins God allows us to approach Him more closely in the Mass. Specifically, in praying the penitential rite with faith our venial sins are forgiven. If we enter mass with mortal sins on our soul, we should go to confession before receiving communion, which is why we offer confession before mass. Therefore, the penitential rite is a preparatory rite at the beginning of Mass that prepares for what is to follow.

There is an option to replace the normal penitential rite with sprinkling the people with holy water. Sprinkling is usually only used on Easter when everyone repeats their baptismal promises and then the priest goes around the church sprinkling everyone with the Easter Vigil baptismal water (which is holy water).  



September 11th, 2022


August 28th, 2022