July 17th, 2022

Sixteenth Sunday in ordinary time

by Fr. Boniface Endorf, O.P.

 Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,

I’ll be away for quies (vacation) this Monday until Friday the 29nd. In other words, I’ll be away next Sunday, but back for the following Sunday. Fr. Clement will be in charge while I’m away. I look forward to seeing everyone again when I return.

 Mass tidbit:

 Mass begins with the procession. The order of the procession is first the thurifer (who carries the thurible of incense), then the crucifer (carrying the cross) flanked by the candle bearers (no Latin here because the name would be the lucifers, a name ruined by the first one to bear it!), then any other servers, then the deacon with the book of the Gospels, then any concelebrants, and finally the main celebrant, who is the minister of the sacrament. Obviously only the biggest Masses would have all those roles, but that’s the order they would be in.

The minister of the sacrament always comes last, so traditionally (ie: before Hollywood movies changed weddings) wedding processions would have the couple to be married process last because those taking the wedding vows are the ministers of the sacrament of marriage.

There is proper music for the procession—the chanted Introit, which can be replaced with a hymn. Our traditional choir sings the introit proper to each mass on Sundays. They first sing a hymn, and, when the celebrant enters the sanctuary to incense the altar, they chant the Introit. The introits are very old—if one went back in time to the middle ages he could have heard the same music sung by our traditional choir today. 

When the procession reaches the sanctuary, the rule is for those carrying something to bow to the altar, and those not carrying anything to genuflect. Those carrying something bow rather than genuflect for the simple reason that we don’t want them to bang what they’re carrying onto the ground, such as the thurible or the crucifix. The priests then enter the sanctuary and kiss the altar, usually on the altar stone. Servers and concelebrants go to their seats while the main celebrant incenses the altar, but we’ll cover that next time!

Have a blessed week,

Fr. Boniface




July 24th, 2022


July 10th, 2022