April 17th, 2022
Easter Sunday
by Fr. Boniface Endorf, O.P.
Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,
Happy Easter! Let us rejoice in Christ’s resurrection, His triumph over sin and death. His victory is our victory; His journey to life beyond death is ours too if we follow Him. Today we celebrate that no matter how hard our lives may be, how much we may suffer, how much the world and its evil may press upon us, our lives will have a joyful and blessed ending if we stay with Jesus. The cross is not a final dead end, but a path to eternal life. It is so because of what Jesus did today: He rose from the dead, the firstborn of the many who follow.
We no longer need fear anything so long as we stay close to Christ. Our joy is certain and thus we have the freedom to rejoice in even the darkest moments. Let us then rejoice for Christ’s victory has made our joy possible.
Have a blessed Easter!
Fr. Boniface