The Sacrament of Marriage

"A man shall leave father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the church." (Ephesians 5:31-32)

To inquire about having your wedding at St. Joseph’s, please download the "Wedding Request Form" and submit it to our parish secretary at For more information, please download our Wedding Handbook. As required by the Archdiocese of New York, couples should contact the parish at least 6 months in advance of their anticipated wedding date. If couples are planning on marrying outside of the United States, they should contact the parish at least 9 months in advance.

All parishioners of St. Joseph's are welcome to have their marriages celebrated at the parish. Anyone who lives within the canonical boundaries of St. Joseph’s is automatically a parishioner. The parish boundaries span roughly from Houston to 14th Street and Hudson to University Place. Someone living outside these boundaries can become a parishioner by registration. Registered parishioners living outside of parish boundaries must be registered at least six months before requesting to have their marriage at St. Joseph's. Follow these links to register and to support the parish online. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Secretary at (212) 741-1274.